Yuyue Luo
Patent Attorney
  • English
  • Mandarin

Tel: +61 2 8231 1096


  • Sydney

Yuyue Luo is a patent attorney in our Sydney computing and electronics team.

Yuyue completed her PhD study in 2020, in the field of signal processing for wireless communications and radar systems. She has broad experience across multiple scientific disciplines and expertise in telecommunications, signal processing, electromagnetics, and numerical optimizations. Yuyue has solid publication records in renowned academic journals and conferences. She is eager to bring her knowledge and research experience to help new and existing clients achieve their goals.


Technical Group:

Read Yuyue's full bio


  • PhD, University of Technology Sydney
  • PhD (Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology), University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Electromagnetic Field and Radio Technology), University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Industry Expertise

  • Signal processing
  • Wireless communications
  • Radar technology
  • Electromagnetics and RF technology
  • Numerical optimizations

Professional Affiliations

  • Member - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)